Friday, 4 November 2005


Just finished my last exam, STAT 115, yesterday and let me tell you, I feel great. Now it's time for me to enjoy my last week or so here in Dunedin and get ready for the long drive (and ferry ride) to Auckland. I can't wait to get back up there to see the family! In any case, here are a couple of quick pics...

Right after my exam, we played 3 round of Lasertag. Here's Ryan with his spiffy looking vest & laser gun. You can't see it in the picture, but the name printed on the front of his vest was "Hulk."
To celebrate Guy Fawkes Day (holiday celebrating Guy Fawkes' failed attempt to blow up the British Parliament), tonight we're going to blow up all of these. Unlike the fountain type fireworks that you might normally be able to buy in HI, these actually "fire balls." Well, they shoot balls of sparks in the air before exploding. Very "aerial" like. It's gonna be fun...

Well, I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying themselves. That includes all you kids still in school. Don't worry, just over a month more to go. I'll be sure to think of you guys as I lounge around! Hehe, just kidding. Take care everyone and Happy Guy Fawkes Day!