Friday, 14 December 2007


The family goat passed away yesterday down in NZ. It was an extremely sad time for the family as she's been with us for so long (since the early 90's). She lived a very full and long life (for a goat) and was very loved by us all. She was in real bad shape this past week or so and it was the right time for her to leave. We'll miss you.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Skyline Ridge Hike

Hello. Just a couple more weeks of work before the holidays (time off that's already the "holidays" as evidenced by the caroling and cold weather). Can't wait to go home. Until then, I've got plenty to explore around the Bay Area. This past sunday, I journeyed over to the Skyline Ridge Open Preserve for a short hike and, possibly, a bit of rock climbing...

So, here we are at the Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve (and there's the sign to prove it). Ticks, Poison Oak, Rattlesnakes and Mountain Lions are the dangers of the day (and the odd runaway mountain biker).

Julie (née Inouye) & Richard on top of a boulder at the beginning of our journey. They climbed up the easy side...

Here I am trying to climb up the other side. It was a junk boulder to be honest. Thing was made of sandstone and part of it crumbled away when I tried holding on. I got as far as a hold or two beyond what you see in the pic before I stopped wasting my time. I'll be better served next week when we (hopefully) make the trip out to Castle Rock for some REAL climbing.

Daniel spotted these in the bush and we were all wondering whether they were cranberries. Anyone know?

Myself, Daniel, Julie & Richard in front of Horseshoe Lake (more like a pond if you ask me). It was nice and warm in the sun but once the rays ceased shining upon you, it was cold as.

A view from above Horseshoe Lake. There really weren't any good places to be able to see the shape of the lake but it honestly looked like a horseshoe.

Apparently the Inouyes are a bit camera shy.

That wooden beam make a huge *CRACK* sound when it broke. Dan, I think you gotta cut out the burgers and lose some fat. Oh, and work on your catching skills cuz it's pretty appalling when you drop as many catches as your sister does.

Thankfully we all made it back to the cars and here is the "after" pic: Myself (+Hippolyta), Dan, Julie & Richard.

Thanks to those guys for coming out. Hopefully more of you can come along to Castle Rock next week for our (at least for me) last Bay Area outdoor adventure of 2007! Cheers.