So, the end of classes for the Fall semester calls for a mini update. I didn't have a digi cam handy over the Thanksgiving period but I had a great time with Josh's family down in the San Diego area (where it was sunny and generally much nicer than LA). As expected, the Apple Store Pasadena was extremely busy and I imagine it's not gonna get any better from here until Xmas. On that note, here are a few pics for you all to enjoy:

So, I managed to find Tamarillos (aka tree tomatoes) at Gelson's market in the exotic fruits section. They were true NZ tamarillos to boot (the same can't be said, unfortunately, for the feijoas). Since I hadn't had one in a while, I picked one up, sliced it open and had it for a snack (w/a bit of salt) late one night. I completely forgot how they tasted. It was quite tart and I think it wasn't quite ripe enough. But it was good to have a taste of something from my childhood (granddad still grows them in his garden). Hopefully some NZ feijoas will make it up here cuz I'm dying to have some of those....

The night before Thanksgiving, I went to the Clippers v. Sonics at the Staples Center with Carie. It was my first time there and I was quite amazed at how much larger the place is in comparison to how it looks on the telly. It was a great game too (if you're a Seattle fan). Now that the Staples Center has been checked off the list, hopefully I can catch a game at the newly opened Galen Center. I'd like to see where some of my tuition money has gone...
(Yet again, I'm waiting for one more pic from Carie)
Anyways, I can't wait for my actual winter break to start so that I can head home and just take it easy. Grad school isn't what I expected it to be, so it's been a pretty tough semester. [In case I haven't mentioned to you, I was expecting something different from my undergraduate experience. Something more enriching, interactive, interesting and new. Instead, it's just been like another, slightly more intensive senior year. At this point, I'll be happy to just make it through the year and walk away with another piece of paper. I hope some of the classes I've selected in the Spring can help to change my point of view.] Lots of work at Apple Pasadena as well as some quality exam studying time should be going on in the near future. Feel free to drop by if you'd like to keep me company. On that note, peace out and take care everyone. Hope to see many of you soon.
Hey there folks. Sorry for the lack of posts. It's just indicative of how busy I've been with school & work (or, in other words, how boring I've been). Anyways, here are a few pics that I've accumulated recently and would like to share with you.

First up, a pic of all the cousins in the family. From L->R, Top->Bottom: Me & Taran, Caitlin, Jorden, Callum & Brittany, Ayden & Joshua. (Missing: Deryck).

So he doesn't feel too left out, here's a pic of my bro. He went to the Senior Halloween Dance dressed as an Eagle Scout. I can't belive he fit those pants...

Dinner at Lawry's. Again (well, last time was about 2 yrs ago). This time, with Brad, Jazell & Brad's friends from high school (Isabel & Helen). A couple more pics will be posted when they finally make their way to me.

Finally, a pic from the Pasadena store. We aren't supposed to sell things out of this section so the guys in the back decided to really hammer the point home by making a fake crime scene. They did an incredibly convincing job. The outline is of one of my managers who lay on the ground while being outlined by stickers.
Yup, so that's all for now. Two big exams coming up on monday should make for a rough day. Afterwards, there'll be Thanksgiving coming up (and, as the post title's not coming nearly as quickly as I'd like it to). No real plans that weekend except for work. I bet it'll be pretty hectic. A few peeps will be in town and hopefully I won't get tied down by the store for too long so that I can get a chance to see them all. Anyways, I hope you all are doing well. Take care and Go the All Blacks!!! (They're playing France tomorrow night...on Armistice Day - Veteran's Day for us Yanks).