After a busy week of school work, it's definitely time to recap the beginning of what has traditionally been a very fun month. That includes an obligatory trip back home for Punahou Carnival! This could be the last one for a while and it also happens to be my brother's last year there (and subsequently his Variety Show). Let's run through a few of the memorable photos from this annual event!
We start with a look at the Middle Field/parking lot towards the cafeteria (Hawaiian plate) on a beautiful Hawaiian afternoon. It sure felt good to be back! Dedicated blog visitors may be able to see my mum's car's prime parking spot in the front row.
Gotta have a Hawaiian plate everytime I come back!!!
Here's a closer look at all the awesome food that comes in the Hawaiian Plate: Rice, Lau lau, Okinawan sweet potato, lomi salmon, haupia and Maui pineapple (sans poi since I'm not a big fan). Can't really get this food on the mainland outside of some special occasions (e.g. Luau).
Those first couple pics were from Day 1, which was fairly quiet since most everyone was busy and I spent a good portion of the day helping my mum with Variety Show bag check-in and also seeing the Variety Show (I'd rate the show pretty well and just a bit less awesome than the legendary Variety Show of '02). Anyhow, I digress. Here's a pic of me on Day 2 digging into some fried noodles in front of the ferris wheel on another beautiful day.
A trip to the White Elephant produced one of the most shocking moments of recent carnival memory. Hey Brent...what's with the heart?
I cruised around with Kevin, Kurt, Scot, Chelsea & Jade for most of the day eating and trying our luck at some difficult (read: rigged) skill games. Here's Kevin getting disrespected in the "dime toss."
The Prize Champion of the day was Kurt. He walked away with a black light-sensitive turtle, blow up bat (cuz they ran out of blow up boxing gloves) and a inflatable hammer that says "Get Hammered" (this prize was won in Kiddie land...and you wonder why our youth are so troubled).
More food: a gyro. I'm guessing nothing like the real deal that you had in Athens last year Kim.
Not the best lighting for this particular picture, but here we've got a World Famous (in Hawaii) Punahou Carnival Malasada on the left and a popular+expensive berry smoothie on the right. Mmmmm.
And here we have the Portuguese Bean Soup (not shown is the accompanying 45 min wait). It was worth it...
So that's pretty much it folks. Another great side trip (there's always something special about going home) and it was great to meet up with so many friends who had previously been away. This year's 5th year reunion should be very interesting. On that note, let me just finish with a couple of unrelated bonus pictures. I hope you all take care of yourselves and have a brilliant February!
Peach+strawberry frozen yoghurt with fresh blueberries & blackberries courtesy of 21 Choices in Pasadena. Meera, Nick, Kevin, Travis, Brandon & friends, essentially a good number of BME Grad student folk, headed up to Pasadena last night after class for some end of the week celebration (it felt that good to have turned in HW assignment #2). Those of you who haven't had 21 Choices, please come to Pasadena and I will enlighten you.
Last but not least, here's a shout out to the Punahou Boys Varsity Soccer team for a great effort this season. They headed into the final game of the regular season poised for a shot at the ILH title and they actually beat Iolani 2-0 to earn a tie-break against Kamehameha before discovering that Kamehameha's loss to St. Louis was being reversed because of a rules violation. Thus, Kamehameha finishes first (technically) and Punahou second. The team must now travel to Maui this weekend to face Baldwin for the right to enter the State Tournament and a chance to defend the State Championship that they won last year. Best of luck to the bro & his teammates (pictured: Dad, Deryck & Mum @ Kapiolani park after the victory over Iolani). Have a great trip to the Kamehameha-Maui campus.