It was Punahou vs. Kalani (yeah, that Kalani...who knew they were any good at sports? j/k).

This kid things he owns everything & everyone.

He doesn't...but he does now own 2 State Soccer Championship Medals. Congratulations on another State Championship Bro...
ANOTHER State Championship! Woohoo! Congrats Punahou and Derek!
sweet. your brother is a soccer star.
and HOW did kalani make it to states.
i am so confused.
also, do you know a way to transfer music to my computer from my old ipod because darren is getting me a new one and i dont want to lose all my old music that i have on my ipod but not on my computer. email me liannang@creighton.edu because i deleted facebook lol
Yes that IS you Adrian! Now go on... update your blog. :) hahahaa. Happy Friday :).
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