So, I had a bit of bad news a little over a week ago. I found out that ev3 would be shutting down the Redwood City offices within months and that a bunch of employees (myself included) would be let go as a result of this. I had my last day at FoxHollow this past friday and it would've been an even more horrible day if not for the fact that I work(ed) with the best bunch of people ever. I've been blessed with some outstanding co-workers in the past but this is the first time since my days at SAIT where I spent almost as much time with them outside of work as at work. All good things must come to an end I suppose. No doubt the relationships I established at FoxHollow will endure and I look forward to hanging out with (or maybe even working at another company down the road) everyone I met there. I bid a fond farewell to all my fellow FoxHollow-ers. And onward to the next opportunity...wherever that may lie. May this job search last much shorter than the previous one...
:( im sorry!! i know you'll find something great!
Sorry about the bad news Wes...Call me next time you're in SoCal and we can hang out! I know some other company will snatch you right up ^_^
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