Hi! It has been a busy holiday so far (Happy belated Xmas) but I just haven't had much time to update the blog. I thought it might be nice just to include a couple of pics to show you all how things have been going since I got back to Hawaii.
Exhibit A:

Plate lunch from Pearl's. Meat jun, bbq chicken, garlic roast potato salad, shoyu potatoes, long rice and choy sum. Ah, nothing quite beats the food here.
Exhibit B:

I narrowly escaped the wrath of the major storm that has hit California...only to be subject to the constant rain that has hit Hawaii. As a result, I have seen lakes and waterfalls pop up around town that I have never seen before (case in point, the water features pictured above appeared at the Blaisdell Center). At least I am much, much warmer here in the islands!
Anyways, I hope everyone has a lovely holiday season. More pics to come at a later date!
Hello, hello. Firstly, I'd like to thank those of you who contributed to my Movember fund. Though it's debatable whether my facial hair growth improved this year, I did improve on my monetary showing from last year. Thanks to Harrison, Mari, Scott, Claudia & Kurt for your donations. As annoying as that mustache can be sometimes, it's nice knowing that its growth helps in some small way.

Anyways, I had the privilege of joining Grant & Co. on a trip to Lake Tahoe to hit the slopes (my first trip in over five years). The rust showed and I have the achy joints and a bruise or two to prove it. I didn't take many pictures but I would like to share a few of the ones I did get.

Grant & I taking a short break after my horrible first run (more like rolling down the hill really) and a couple of runs down some green slopes (with all the kids).

We hit the slopes at the Squaw Valley Ski Resort and despite not getting the big storm some forecasts had predicted, there was plenty of snow and it was plenty cold.


Grant & I in the Squaw Valley village. Despite the light rain and chilly breeze, we braved the outside in order to enjoy a smoothie and toasted bagel by the outdoor fire.

A rough day on the slopes deserves a hearty meal in order to help ease the hunger (and a little bit of the pain). I cooked up course number one, consisting of sauteed veggies (mushrooms, capsicums, onion & courgette) alongside a grilled NY Strip steak. Yum!

Brian & Grant combined forces to cook the second course with homemade macaroni & cheese, roasted potatoes and cornbread. After eating this second plate, I felt pretty damn full!
We stayed at a lovely cabin with plenty of space, high ceilings, a well-equiped (and stocked) kitchen and a chess board (Grant & I won one game each against each other). I apologize for the lack of cabin photos which was due in part to the constant state of clutter which detracted from the photographic appeal. I also apologize for the lack of scenery photos, especially since it was a gorgeous day today (sun & clear, blue skies); a stark contrast to the heavy rain that greeted us on our return to the Bay Area. I'll get some more pics the next time I make it up there to Tahoe. Until then, I'll let my ski injuries heal up nicely! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well. Roll on December!