It all started, belatedly, with a shaving of the Mo.
You know, when you even it all out, it doesn't look that
All back to to speak. Clean and proper and ready for air travel!
6:00 AM flight out of SFO. A bit too early for my tastes but a good feeling nonetheless to be back on a plane.

I found myself, on the other end of that flight, in New Jersey. Not wanting to waste a perfectly beautiful afternoon (and my several hour long layover) in the Garden State, I promptly hopped on a train and got myself into New York City to meet up with some old friends. You can see us (Traci, Kurt and I) posing for a pic here as we strolled through the High Line Park. For those of you who haven't heard of it, the High Line used to be an elevated freight rail line that ran through part of Manhattan, which recently got converted into a park/walkway.
Kurt, Myself and Phil (who also found time to come out for a visit) enjoying some crisp December air (and keeping our hands nice and warm in our respective jackets).

Can't really argue about how beautiful the High Line looks with the golden hue of the setting sun.

All four of us near the southern terminus at the end of our walk. In addition to having the opportunity to catch up with good friends, I also appreciated being able to stretch out the legs in preparation for another several hours worth of sitting on the plane.
And of course it would be a shame to go all the way to one of the great food cities of the world and not partake in a bit of caloric consumption. We dined at the Lobster Place in Chelsea Market where we helped ourselves to the following delectable treats: Tarragon shrimp roll, tray of fresh oysters on the half shell, lobster bisque and scallop & bacon chowder. All delicious. Worth a stop off if you happen to be craving seafood. We also stopped by the Tuck shop on the way out to grab an Aussie pie for the road (which I later consumed on the plane).

Then right back on the train, back to EWR and back onto a (very full) plane heading to my final destination.

I had this meal (vegetarian kofta curry) part way through the flight and it'll give you a little bit of a hint as to where I might be headed next.
Thank you very much to Traci, Kurt and Phil for keeping me company during my layover. Great to see each of you even if only for a couple hours. Keep checking back in for the next part of the epic trip. Hopefully I'll get around to posting it sooner rather than later.