Tuesday 19 April 2011

Mid-April Stuff

It kinda astounds me how quickly this year has been flying by. While it has been rather even doses of fun and madness, I wonder a bit whether the pace will ease up or just keep on quickening. We'll see...

My homemade meal from last week: quinoa stuffed roasted peppers. Pretty tasty meal that, despite the lack of meat, I found to be quite hearty. If you want the recipe, you can click here to grab it from the Whole Food's website.

So I had family in town this past weekend and I look forward to each and every visit because they usually bring with them some well-traveled food for me to enjoy. I think this weekend's offerrings top the chart: feijoas from NZ! If you haven't had the fortune of trying one of these, or even worse, have never heard of them (in which case, click here to be educated) go out and find yourself some to try. I can't offer you any of mine because I've eaten them all by now!

Aunty Karen, Callum and I standing outside of the Apple Store in San Francisco. Mum & Aunty went inside and played around on the kiddie iMacs for a bit just like they did last year when they visited. Old habits die hard...

Mum, Aunty Karen, Callum and myself in the Hilton San Francisco. Mum flew up from HI, Aunty Karen worked the flight from HK and Callum came up to the States on his school trip from NZ. I traveled the shortest distance to arrive at this mini family reunion. How about that?

Anyhow, I really enjoyed spending this past weekend with my family and it allowed me to relax and enjoy things at a reasonable pace more than anything (as much as you can while chauffeuring folks around town). The next few week will be just a bit crazy I imagine so I hope I'll make it through!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey i just saw feijoas in the store today! but they were bloody expensive and small and slighty dessicated looking. how can you tell when it's ripe? ~pris