I haven't always dressed up for Halloween, but I think I did a pretty good job this year. In case you don't know what I dressed up as, I'm imitating René Magritte's The Son of Man
Thanks to Ed for giving me his extra Cal football ticket when he couldn't make it to the USC v. Cal football game. It meant I could join Jason & Susanna in the Cal Student section. Lovely job remodeling the stadium and an even better result for the game (from my perspective rather than theirs).

To celebrate Jason's b-day, we headed down to Morgan Hill for some Sporting Clay shooting. There I am lining up a shot from the station, while Susanna triggers the trap machines and Willy & Scott watch on (Jason took the pic).

I haven't really had a chance to attend many opening receptions for art exhibitions, but I got an invite for Mari's last one at the Cantor. Quite a fancy shindig, particularly since they exhibited a number of works from the SFMOMA's collection. Flesh and Metal: Body and Machine in Early 20th-Century Art continues for one more month until mid-March and gives you a great opportunity to see these exceptional works for the low, low price of free!

This year, generosity returned to the corporate world and Abbott once again granted turkeys to their employees for the holidays. So, for the third year running, Nick and I held our Friendsgiving dinner. Check out the before (above) and after (below).

A brief glimpse of the spread. We had a good turnout and, thanks to another year of experience, managed to finish a respectable amount of the food.

Finally, a snapshot of this year's Movember results.
Thanks for stopping by. Keep an eye out for the next post!
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