Alright. I apologize for the lengthy hiatus, but the last few months have really been a blur. Hat tip to Brent & Susanna for encouraging me to get back on the blog. Let’s summarize an eventful and fun end to 2014:
Karaoke at Fred’s for Boogie’s birthday! Many a late 90’s/early 2000’s pop songs got some stellar renditions. Long may those videos avoid the interwebs…

Got together up in the City at Koji’s for dinner with the AVSH R&D guys & SOs. We handmade all the food you see on that table. Yum!

Onward for a short trip home. I snapped this picture on the departure from SFO. The flight left early in the morning on a cloudy/rainy day and as we approached the coast, the clouds cleared! It gave me a beautiful view of Linda Mar Beach in Pacifica where I’ve spent many days in the last year getting pummelled by the surf…

On this trip, I flew home for a very special occasion. By chance, I also got to be home for a ceremony commemorating the Winne Units at Punahou School. My academic home during my first year at the school. While much has changed on the campus, this banyan tree still stands. Many recesses were spent climbing in and around that awesome tree.
And many snacks breaks featured guava juice and soda crackers.
Here I am in my first classroom. It looks a lot smaller nowadays compared to how I remember it as a kid! While these buildings will soon make way for newer, fancier ones, the true spirit of Punahou shall continue to be maintained by the faculty and the students.

So, finally, to the special occasion I returned home for: Mum’s uniki! After so many years of practice, chanting, dancing and immersion in the Hawaiian culture, she has become a kumu!

Luau food. I wish I could eat this more often…though for my health, it probably works out better that I don’t eat it so frequently.
Congratulations kumu Mum! Glad we could be here to help celebrate with you!
Mahjong. Fun when you win, so painful when you don’t…

Happy Thanksgiving from the Bay Area! Again, thanks to Nick for helping prep and all our guests for a lovely dinner! I opted this year for a dry brine (rather than a wet brine) and it turned out quite nice!

Thanksgiving weekend continued at Pacifica. Plus, bonus rainbow.

Since we talked about it out in the water, we followed through and made loco mocos for dinner.

Happy Birthday Christine! In celebration of her birthday, we ran around the streets of downtown Mountain View shooting Nerf darts and completing spy missions. Awesome fun!
The following weekend, we headed back out to Pacifica again and this time, Boogie & Steph joined in on the fun.
In mid-December (after months of drought), we had a day of heavy rain. Built up over days as an epic storm, people prepared as well as they could for the storm of the year. And the freeway still flooded. Way to go #hellastorm.

Finally, since it turned out pretty well last year, I baked gingerbread cookies for the holidays. I even got to use the new T-Rex cookie cutter I bought!
Great year, great memories. I’ve still got a few more pics from 2014 (when I visited home), but you’ll have to wait a bit for those. Until then…
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