Thursday, 20 October 2005

One Down...

Physics 132 is in the books! I must say, the Otago Final Exam system is quite a bit more formal than what I'm used to. Official Otago Answer Booklets & "Scantron" sheets as well as a "tear-off" attendance slip so they know you showed up (in addition to them knowing you were there if you turn in an exam). They also had about a million proctors roaming the room during the 3-HOUR examination. In any case, it's over and done with and I have Physiology 222 to look forward to next week. But just before I move on...gotta enjoy this moment...
My "celebratory" dinner of sorts: Chicken, mushroom & asparagus risotto with chicken, spinach & cheese filo "rolls." What a treat. I should use yummy dinners as motivation for doing well on the remaining finals. In any case, I hope everyone is doing well and I apologize for the less than spectacular material. Look forward to the end of exams when more exciting pics & stories will come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it does look good, but comeon you know you miss hawaiian food.