So, I celebrate the 100th entry on this blog with a post about my graduation from graduate school. It's odd because it doesn't quite feel as big of a deal as it was last year, however, it was quite a lot of fun and will be remembered for the camaraderie exhibited by all of us fellow BME graduate students. As usual, let me get right into the photoblogging:

On wednesday, Travis & I took another trip back to Stoney Point for some more rock climbing. Climbing on natural rock definitely beats climbing indoors. The photo above is of Travis in an "egyptian-like" pose on Turlock/Boulder 2 while the photo below is of me on the top of the very same boulder.

Thursday marked a trip to Santa Monica to check out the Pier with Travis and Meera. Above, you can see us on the pier in front of the carnival rides. It was cloudy, windy & cold when we first got there. It did clear up as you can see us below on Santa Monica beach enjoying the sun & playground equipment.

Then, we walked around 3rd Street Promenade for a bit before enjoying some cupcakes. Here we have Meera's Red Velvet on the left and my Strawberry on the right. Travis' Coconut is not pictured.
Finally, we've arrived at Friday. The morning ceremony featured a great speech by former ABC News anchor Ted Koppel and an appearance by Clint Eastwood. Both were awarded honorary degrees by the school and were distinguished guests. Following the main ceremony, which was markedly better than last year's, I headed over to the Rossier School of Education ceremony to support a fellow, local brother: Ryan. He had the honor of delivering one of the speeches and I had to be there to witness it. Much respect for using a quote I greatly admire from Gandhi.

After that ceremony ran a little longer than I expected, I bolted over to the BME reception to meet up with my fellow graduates & classmates for a few pics and a bite to eat.

Nick, Claudia, Puja, Leah & I.

Me & Dad.

Claudia & I.

Claudia, Nick, Travis, Myself & Meera with the BME sign. Funny story: Nick & I ripped off the tape holding the sign to the easel and were preparing to take the sign to the ceremony before BME staff members came to ask us what we were doing and had us return the sign. We were so close...

Instead, we did nab this sign which was used to organize the graduates by departments. All the BME grad students signed it and now we have a neat piece of memorabilia from the ceremony. That sign will be worth a pretty penny in a few years, just you all wait and see...
Meera's sister Tasha was kind enough to run to the store to buy us a bottle of Champagne for us. We were gonna sneak it into the ceremony but they took so long to get everyone seated that we couldn't wait and preceeded to celebrate before the ceremony began.

Nick opening the bottle.

Meera boozing.

Claudia guzzling.

Travis chugging.

Leah drinking.

I couldn't help but partake in a bit of the bubbly myself.

The whole lot of us after finishing the bottle.

Meera, Nick, Travis, Me & Brandon after having received our diplomas. We're all smiling because we didn't yet know there were gonna be many more names and another couple hours of the ceremony left...

I'm glad I was able to sneak out for just a bit to congratulate Erin at her commissioning ceremony. The Air Force's newest 2nd Lieutenant was a fellow Paris buddy of mine from the Engineering summer program.

Ryan & Darren (and also Claudia's friend) were on hand to see Claudia and I get our degrees. Thanks for the support!

Me, Meera & Travis. First picture was the "serious" one and the second was the "fun" one.
Grad season isn't complete without a couple of grad dinners. Here are two that I've been to so far.

Right after commencement, my dad & I had to rush off to Hollywood for Meera's dinner at Palm Thai. Here are 3 graduates: Me, Meera & Kevin.

24 hours later, I had the privilege of celebrating Claudia's graduation with her parents, Kellie, Jeanine, Ryan R, Ryan C, Aaron, Priscilla, Darren & Phil.

A couple days after the graduation festivities were well in the past, Brad & I took off on the first of, hopefully, many forays into the wilderness. This hike was the Big Santa Anita Canyon trail. We got a great view of Sturtevent Falls from the bottom here.

We also hiked to the upper falls to see what it looked like from above. Here's Brad (decked out in more burnt orange gear - backpack, sunglasses, shirt & shoes - than you can shake a stick at) at a little mini falls.

And here I am at the very same place.

And here we both are after completing the 5+ mile trail.
So, I hope you enjoy all the pics. The past week has really been memorable and a heck of a lot of fun. It essentially marks the end of an era (that of my college years) even though I've technically got another class to go. Most of us will be headed off to work in the "real" world by the time the end of this summer rolls around. It hasn't really hit yet (though I can say I've certainly begun to feel just how big a deal this is). It's all been a lot of fun and I'm definitely looking forward to what might be there for me just around the corner. So, to conclude this post (and to mark the century of entries), I'd like to wish all of the 2007 Graduates (High school, Undergrad & Grad) the best of luck and here's to the future!
There isn't much in this world that can beat a good meal and/or being outside. After my completion of the spring finals period, I celebrated by enjoying a bit of both. This post spans 2 distinct periods with a day at Huntington Beach (w/Brad, Jazelle & A Lo featuring cameos by Grant & Josh) omitted due to lack of no photos. First, I went home to the 808 for a visit since Daniel & Cat would both be back in the islands. While I had a blast hanging out with Daniel & Clifton (resident local and occasional EMT), I missed out on meeting up with Cat. Second, after missing out on some natural rock climbing at Fontainebleau, Travis & I finally made it out to Stoney Point for some bouldering. Let's have a look at the pics:

Not even two hours after getting off the plane, I headed out for some night fishing at the Hawaii Kai Boat Harbor (site of our infamous hammerhead shark catching) with Dan & Clif. Unlike our previously successful trips to the harbor, I had the only catch of the night: a long & thin trumpetfish.

What's a trip to Hawaii without some shave ice. Here's a pic of the tourist (Daniel gave up his HI driver's license for a Cali one) and the kama'aina (local) outside Waiola. He chose the melona flavor and I have lilikoi/lychee.

Daniel & I taking the scenic route along the east side of the island. We're on the western side of the Blow Hole parking lot overlooking the beautiful, blue Pacific.

Continuing on the drive around the east side, we stopped at the Makapu'u lookout and hiked to the rock climbing area. After an uphill climb (and a few nasty thorns through my slippers), we arrived. Unfortunately, it was bloody windy and neither of us had climbing gear. So much for being prepared...

No matter since our reason for driving around the island was to get food. I've got the Pakalolo omelette (herbs & ham) with fried rice and Clif chose the seafood special omelette with hash browns.

Daniel opted for the house specialty: banana & macadamia nut pancakes with a special mac nut sauce. We all ended up sharing and I must say, those pancakes are phenomenal.

If you happen to be in Kailua during breakfast or lunch hours, you MUST go to Boots & Kimo for those pancakes. No Ka Oi!

Another food favorite is Jurison's Inn in Waikele. Home to some wicked good mochiko chicken. Here's Daniel enjoying his bowl.
P.S. Traci, I left the voicemail on your phone shortly before taking this picture.

A closer look for those who've never seen/had the mochiko chicken.
[Apologies for the poor focus]

After passing through Waikele (with a short, obligatory stop at the Adidas and Local Motion outlets), we continued to Haleiwa where we enjoyed Matsumoto's shave ice. So, after stopping at both major shave ice institutions on the island of Oahu, the verdict is Waiola has superior ice (much finer) while Matsumoto's has the better syrup. Well, that's my opinion at least...

The famous bridge in Haleiwa (I think it even appeared in an episode of Lost!).

And, I finally made it to an outdoor rock climbing site after missing out on the Fontainebleau boulders and a couple of Stoney Point trips. Here I am putting my shoes on at Waimea Bay.

And here I am climbing!

In the meantime, Clifton entertained himself with the frisbee & green ball.

And here I am determined not to fall (though, I think I fell shortly after the pic was taken). Daniel's desire to get in the water meant that I was without a photographer for the times that I managed to successfully climb. Go figure.

Climbing and swimming (damn, I miss the warm, clear Hawaiian water) sure makes you hungry so we stopped by another famous food establishment, Giovanni's, for some Kahuku shrimp scampi. All that butter and garlic...mmm.

Clif, Dan & myself with the famous Giovanni's White Truck.

Moving on from Kahuku and their tasty shrimp (and corn), we made it out to Laie Point for more photos.

Onward from Laie, we passed through Waimanalo on the way home and passed by the "Jackson Chameleon" sign that's been there for ages. Not sure if you can read the sign below, but it says "Slow Down through 'Nalo Town." Classic.

And, it's rare to go home to Hawaii and not eat at Zippy's. Here's my saimin.

Clif went with the chilli cheese fries (my usual favorite) and a strawberry shake.

Dan ordered the won ton min.
So, the Hawaii trip was short but awesome. It's been a few years since Dan, Clif & I were all able to hang out and enjoy all the cool things that make Hawaii so special. Not content with one trip to do some outdoor climbing, I had to get another trip together.

Without further ado, I present me & Travis at Stoney Point.

First order of business was to climb "Boulder 1" just off the road. Here's Travis after having been the first to succeed. You can see our car just peeking out behind the boulder (a closer shot of the car to come).

And here I am after getting up there myself. What a feeling. It won't ever be the same climbing indoors in Lyon's center (USC's student gym) any more.

Travis & I in matching photos hanging onto the same ridiculously difficult rock.

As Justin Timberlake might say in a McD's commercial, "I'm Lovin' It!"

Travis showing that he can reach a lot farther than I can (I couldn't quite get my hand around that grip nearly as much as he could).

Travis between a rock and a..well...another rock.

Me. Same spot, different view.

Last but not least, our means of transportation: A Mini Cooper Convertible! How cool?! So what if we couldn't hear each other speak without yelling and we were continuously pelted by small rocks being launched into the air by semis. It was a hell of a fun drive! It was rented courtesy of Flexcar (they have a handful of different cars on campus for members - in our case Travis - to rent). What vehicle will we take next? Tune in a few days from now and I'll have an answer for you!
Well folks, that sorta marks the beginning of summer for me. Got my camera, camelbak & frame pack all up in Pasadena. Plus, my climbing shoes and a healthy sense of adventure should mean that there's a lot more fun to be had in the outdoors. And, you all know I won't ever stop with finding out (and taking pictures of) the best food around. So, more Food & Outdoors to come! I'll keep you all posted. Take care everyone and I hope you enjoyed the pics!