Glad to have you back!
So, just wanted to do a quick photo upload to cover some of what's gone on this month. Let's get underway...

I was lucky enough to be able to head on home for Labor Day weekend and I enjoyed this Seared Ahi Caesar Salad @ Gyotaku (Niu Valley).

Words can't describe how much I love Home. This photo was taken on a beach near Laie where my Mum's Uniki was.

So this Uniki was a hula performance that my Mum danced in. She's been doing hula since I left to go to Uni.

A close up of my plumeria lei (and my Local Motion aloha shirt).

‘Ohi‘a lehua. Very similar to the Pōhutukawa of NZ. Both lovely, lovely plants.

Mum doing hula.

I posted a pic of this food the day that I ate it (just scroll down a bit) but here it is in a bit more detail. Opihi, poke, haupia, lau lau, lomi salmon, poi, kalua pig, okinawan sweet potato and chicken long rice. Soooooooo goooooood! I wish I could find some decent local food up here...

My family on a beautiful Hawaiian day: Me, Po Po, Mum, Dad & Gung Gung (post uniki).

Melissa, Kurt & Myself at Romano's Mac Grill. Had a lovely dinner during which we were serenaded by Cat!!!! Despite a lingering cold, your voice was as beautiful as ever!

How can it be a trip home w/o Boots & Kimo's famous banana mac nut pancakes?!

Me & Noelle @ Boots & Kimo.

Melissa, Jon, Cat & Myself outside of Boots & Kimo. We were pretty full after that!

Went back to the Bay Area and here we are the weekend after. Charles, Song, Nick, Diana & I outside of Village Pub where we went to celebrate Nick's B-day!

My mum & grandparents came up to visit and we took a day trip down to LA to visit the bro. Here, Deryck & I pose with our grandparents in Deryck's dorm room.

And finally, Priyanshu's farewell tour of the Bay Area made a stop at Ben's where we enjoyed some ridiculously delicious food, talked story and played a few video games: P, Diana, Nick, Charles & Alisa.
So, it's been a rather eventful month. It's getting busy at work too which is both a blessing and a curse. I'm also glad to report that Hippolyta is back and in good shape. I'm so happy to have my car back...I couldn't have anticipated how much I missed her...
Anywho, take care folks. I'm hoping to capitalize on a bit of warm weather and ride my bike to work tomorrow. Cya!

From co-worker, to fellow climber, to Rock Band-mate, to travel buddy, it's quite an honour to count you as a friend. Best of luck to you in your pursuit of a PhD out there in Buckeye territory. For your sake, I hope your new football team will bounce back so that when I come visit for the USC v. OSU rematch next season, it'll be more competitive than tonight's 35-3 blowout. All kidding aside, enjoy your time out there in the Mid-west and don't forget to come visit your friends here in the Bay Area often. Cheers pal!
Admittedly, this is a bit of a placeholder post. And, a belated one at that. More photos forthcoming, including a big dose of family & friends (HI trip & Family visit to CA). Until I get around to posting those, here's a photo I can't resist uploading. In case you can't read (sorry for the blurry pic), Birthday boy Man is holding a bottle of Japanese hair care product called "Man Dom". Thanks for being a good sport Diana.
Again, Happy Birthday!!!