Sunday 10 May 2009

First Week of May '09

Apologies for the lack of title creativity but not much else I can say there. There is no overarching theme for this post other than this is what I have done this weekend. Here goes...

Dinner @ La Strada in Palo Alto. Risotto with roast quail. Tasty, but it did leave me wishing quails were a tad bit bigger.

Tamales plate from Primavera at the Ferry Building Farmers Market in SF. Brilliant. Unfortunately, it was an ambitious breakfast and didn't leave me room to lunch on any of the other tasty dishes available at the Ferry Building...

I made it up to the Farmers Market b/c this guy was back in town for a visit. Here's Kurt enjoying his meal (something with eggs, tortillas & salsa) that left him as full as I was.

Then on sunday I ventured out into the wilderness for my weekly hike (sans hiking partner). This week, I tackled Black Mountain which meant a return trip to the Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve. I thought I took a pic of Black Mountain here but in actuality it is just behind the peak pictured.

Honey, banana & peanut butter sandwich, raisins and celery. I'd call that a lunch of champions. A nice reward for making it to the peak.

View from the top. Just a tad bit hazy at ground level but no complaints can be made about the trail conditions; plenty of sun, gentle breeze and a sneak peek of summer's warmth.

Clearing on the top of the hill just behind where I took the previous pic.

Some of the colorful flora present along the trail.

Some man-made junk on top of Black Mountain. Not very scenic behind me but I was doing my best to utilize the lighting conditions.

What more might be in store for this month? We shall see! Stay tuned for next weekend's adventures!

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