Quiet June
After what could fairly be termed the busiest May in recent memory, I have been enjoying a low key June. Not that I've been idle but I've really been allowed more time to enjoy shorter events here and there rather than devoting significant chunks of time to grand activities. For example, I did laundry, watched TV and did an oil change one weekend. Or, rode my motorcycle, cruised on my bike and ate lunch outside of a natural foods market during another. I even got to have lunch with mum and take a nap. The simple things in life. I also, for better or for worse, haven't really taken any pictures. So I haven't been great about documenting things this June but don't worry. I'm still here and I'm enjoying life in a relatively relaxed manner. I'll be back with more pics and, perhaps, a bit more commentary in the not too distant future. Until next time...

Bro & I in the Canton Tower.
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