Some of my friends at work decided to dress up as the Peanuts gang (aka Snoopy, Charlie Brown, etc). As I'm a late addition to the group, I didn't have too many choices and ended up with Shermy as my character. For those of you who don't know, Shermy got written out of the comic fairly early on since nothing really distinguished him. Here I am as Shermy with a green shirt and black pants (and a cutout of his face attached to my head with a rubberband).

I present to you, the full gang! Standouts included the teacher (question mark face since you never see her face), an impressive Snoopy outfit and the Psychiatric help booth. One of the better coordinated work Halloween events I've ever had the privilege of participating in. Thanks guys.

And finally, clean shaven me on November 1st. Apologies for the sleepy eyed photo as I took this early in the morning shortly after waking up and shaving. If only I could've went back to sleep, I'd have been much happier. Onward to many days of glorious mustache growing!
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I also learned this week that Abbott gives all its employees a turkey for the holidays. If you have nowhere else to go, let me know and it looks like I'll be trying to eat my share of a 10 lbs turkey somewhere in the Bay Area this year. Cheerio!
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