Hi everyone. Just thought I'd post up some cool news. Serenity, the highly anticipated movie based on my beloved Firefly TV Show (created by Joss Whedon) had it's release date pushed back to September 30, 2005. I feared that I would not be able to see it immediately when it comes out because I'll be deep in the south island freezing my butt off.
As luck would have it, I caught wind of a secret preview screening of the movie that's happening for one day, one show at 10 movie theaters across the US. When I tried to procure tickets, there were luckily some left for the closest show. After buying the tickets, it was quickly discovered that they sold out all 10 screenings within 7 hours of releasing the news. What timing!!! The co-workers and I have decided to make this once in a liftime trip out to see this movie that we just can't wait 5 months to see (and wouldn't have had the opportunity to see together). Tickets are purchased, plans are in place. Las Vegas, I'll be coming soon (even if it's just for one night).

We'll be sure to catch the movie (and hopefully an awesome Vegas Buffet). More to come later, but be excited for us!!!
If you want to find out more info about Serenity and Firefly, check out these links:
The Official Serenity Movie Website
A Firefly Fan Site
Because they're just so darn cute... Here are some more pics of the little kiddies on their vacation in Hawaii with their bestest cousins.

My Uncle & I helped out my mum "de-husk" (proper verb?) a banana trunk. After peeling off more than enough layers, we were at a loss as to what we should do with the trunk. This is the best thing we came up with: dangling little children from it. Here, Deryck & I display our height advantage over poor Joshua.

The girls were next in line. Here, Caitlin & Brittany (I have absolutely no clue which one is which...too hard to tell from this photo) hold on for dear life as their amused, older cousins look on.

And finally, here are Brittany & Caitlin (once again hard to tell from the pic) chillin' on the beach in Waikiki. The weather looks fine, the water looks warm. I'm having serious home sickness attacks again...

Uncle Lance, Caitlin, Brittany & Dad playing the family game of choice: Mahjong. Notice the shameful display of fingers. That's my family...
I hope you enjoy the pics. There are a bunch more on my Mum's, Aunty's and Uncle's cameras that have yet to be uploaded. When I get a hold of em, I'll put them up for you all to check out. That's all for now I suppose. Have a cheerful week and keep in mind, we're almost to the end of the semester (well, some of us are closer than others). Take Care!
This past weekend, I had the fortune of spending time with my family who came to town on holiday. Uncle Lance, Aunty Paula, Josh, Brittany & Caitlin and my Aunty Karen all together for a weekend of craziness. I cannot stress the importance of family enough and I can truthfully say that I made it through my 3 midterms last week because I had been looking forward to surviving and being able to spend time with everyone. Unfortunately, there were digital cameras aplenty which meant that each of us has a handful of pictures. I'll post mine for you all to see and I'll also post any pics I get from everyone else (when they send em my way). I hope they're having fun while I'm back at school and we'll see if I can get around to spending time with them again...

The Twins & Josh reflected in the mirror at the Waikele Old Navy.

Brittany & Caitlin tooling around Old Navy in the stroller.

Caitlin & Brittany admiring the birds at Pet's Discount.

After a long day of walking around Waikele (and discovering that they recently opened an Adidas Outlet!), Josh is pooped and is taking a nap here in the car.
And that, my friends, was my weekend (well, only a few pics). Hopefully, more pics on the way! Thanks for the good times family. We'll see if I can make it back before you all leave...
Photo hosting courtesy of
I can't exactly figure out why this week has been particularly tiring, but it took an eternity to get through it all. Thankfully I've got "work" to keep me sane (or is it insane?) through the week. All for one and one for all. Through the good and bad, big-ups to the guys at SAIT. This post goes out to each and every one of you!

We chose Gordon Biersch as our dinner destination mainly because I really, really wanted to eat their garlic fries. I had such a craving for the garlic fries even though I ordered the grilled snapper w/vegetables and rice, I had them swap out fries instead of the rice. Thanks for making it happen Gordon Biersch. You guys have some amazing garlic fries. Oh, the fish was damn good too...

I have a fairly nice, compact P8 digi cam. I, however, have nothing on Henry's humangous Nikon dSLR. With that MASSIVE lens and crazy bright flash (innuendo aside). He took several random photos during dinner and nearly blinded us all with the power of the bulb.

I love lamp.* Random photo of the light dangling beside our dinner table. Cat, did you take this one?

Here's everyone who went (sans Brad who just met up with us for the movie). Cat, Myself (and my Blues jersey), newbie (Matt), Allan, Brenton & Henry. 3 of us got the snapper and apparently we also had the last 3 snappers for the night. It took us a while to get there but we finally did and we had an awesome dinner!

We missed out on the 10:05pm showing of Sin City. Well, actually we just decided that we didn't want to sit front and center in a packed movie theater. Instead, we chose to catch the 10:55pm showing and we had the fortune of standing around and waiting for an extra few minutes outside before migrating into the "lobby" area and chilling next to all the cool movie posters (we were 2nd in line!!!). Here's Cat doing her best Lindsay Lohan impression. Maybe it's just me but I'm pretty sure Herbie's got nothing on your Bug back home Cat! Shortly after taking this pic (and another pic w/Cat's camera, the friendly movie theater guy came over and chided us for snapping photos... sucka).

And here's the gang waiting patiently in the theater for the movie to begin (Brad's in there, but he's being blocked pretty well). We watched almost 1/2 hr of pre-show entertainment, commercials and trailers before Sin City finally came on. I think it was well worth it. I absolutely loved the cinematography and its truthfulness to Frank Miller's graphic novels. I'd definitely recommend you guys go see it (if you haven't already) as it's very entertaining and well done.
Well, folks, that was a fun and exciting Friday evening out. Thanks again to all the guys (+Cat) for coming out. Delicious dinner, entertaining conversation, awesome movie and, best of all, a great bunch of friends. Who could ask for more?!
*As Brooke would say: ASAR - Another Subtle Anchorman Reference.