Here's the T-shirt. It comes in sky blue with brown rings or tan with brown rings (the latter is shown).
And, here's the Polo shirt. It comes in pink (uh, I don't think I could pull that off), green (a nice, bright, grassy green according to my cousin) and a grey color (which is shown).
Anyhow, that's all for now. Cheers if you're nice enough to leave me a comment in my quest to own a "Sunny Dunedin" shirt!
P.S. For all you Olympics junkies who are having withdrawals, here's a link to a video (in Real video format...unfortunately) done by a Japanese guy on Tandem Ski Jumping. I first saw this on my first night in Paris of all places and I got a good laugh out of it. I hope you find it just as funny. Take care folks.
It is not a very inspiring shirt, kinda dull, I think! But, if you like Dunnedin, what can I say...
it would be a good memorabilia!
the first. the second looks more "you", something you would pick if the choice was yours. but you need to break free! i like the tee better, so good thing you asked me! :)
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