Wednesday, 1 March 2006

Clothing Poll

Hi there everyone!  I need some help with a little decision and if you've got time to leave a comment, that'd be greatly appreciated.  Anyways, here's the question:  Polo or tee?  I've been wanting to get this shirt, depicting a tropical island scene with the words "Sunny Dunedin" written below, ever since I saw it on TV (in NZ).  If any of you have seen my Dunedin pics, you know that while it might be sunny occasionally, it's usually quite cold (and not very tropical).  Apparently only one shop in Dunedin sells this shirt and my wonderful cousin Nat is being kind enough to help me buy this.  So, here's what said shirts look like
Here's the T-shirt.  It comes in sky blue with brown rings or tan with brown rings (the latter is shown).
And, here's the Polo shirt.  It comes in pink (uh, I don't think I could pull that off), green (a nice, bright, grassy green according to my cousin) and a grey color (which is shown).

Anyhow, that's all for now.  Cheers if you're nice enough to leave me a comment in my quest to own a "Sunny Dunedin" shirt!
P.S.  For all you Olympics junkies who are having withdrawals, here's a link to a video (in Real video format...unfortunately) done by a Japanese guy on Tandem Ski Jumping.  I first saw this on my first night in Paris of all places and I got a good laugh out of it.  I hope you find it just as funny.  Take care folks.


Anonymous said...

It is not a very inspiring shirt, kinda dull, I think! But, if you like Dunnedin, what can I say...
it would be a good memorabilia!

Anonymous said...

the first. the second looks more "you", something you would pick if the choice was yours. but you need to break free! i like the tee better, so good thing you asked me! :)