Starting on an absolutely unrelated note, last month I made some homemade, organic yoghurt that turned out spectacularly. What a difference a digital cooking thermometer makes!!!

Alright, back to the topic at hand. A Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter available for many eager folks to climb in for a peek.
A fortuitous bonus: a departing Lufthansa Airbus A380 soared overhead (FRA or MCH bound no doubt). Due to the proximity of the maintenance sheds to the airport and, more specifically, the active runway, we had many planes pass by. This plane, of all the commercial jets passing, caused the most excitement. What a massive plane.
The majestic Blue Angels flying by en route to their performance in San Francisco. I had a much better photo that unfortunately got tainted by a woman's stray purse (she held it up above head level to block the sunlight from her eyes). Dammit.
Harrison & Mari standing in the center between the "throwback" painted Continental 737 and United A320.

Mari & Harrison sitting in the

Actual UA employees voted to select the livery for this commemorative plane. I cast a vote on behalf of Mum for the 1980's era livery like this one:

Obviously, that one didn't win...and, yes I'm a little bitter about it.
We also had an opportunity to briefly tour the engine maintenance bay. I don't quite recall, but I believe we got to see a number of Pratt and Whitney PW4000 family engines (like this one) in open, serviceable configurations. Very cool to be able to take a peek at a side of the airline industry you don't see day to day.

Me in the engine test bay. I'm glad they didn't have it running as I'm sure that would've destroyed my ear drums. I don't remember seeing a sign for this particular engine, but it also looks like a PW4000.
The Blue Angels returned relatively quickly and I found out later that they actually didn't perform any stunts due to "poor conditions". My sources, Daniel & Karen, unfortunately braved San Francisco to watch the show but came back disappointed. At least they got to enjoy some beautiful weather up in the City.
As I mentioned, we had great weather this weekend and I hope (probably beyond reason) that we might be blessed with a few more this month before it starts to get too cold and too rainy. Forecast says the next two days will be pretty brilliant (fingers crossed that will carry over to the weekend too) so I better enjoy it. Cheerio!
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