Finally...the show I'd been waiting all month for. Brooke Fraser, live at the Hotel Cafe. All I can say is that she sounds so amazing live. It was just her, a guitar, keyboards and the crowd. No band. Just Brooke. It felt as if she were singing to me. There were, however, 20-30 other ppl in the tiny little Hotel Cafe. Such an intimate setting. I've never been that close to good music in my life (7 rows back for the Corrs, 4 rows back for Bic - both were in much larger venues). Anyways, I think you've all had enough of me babbling...check out a few of the pics:

There's the wall outside the Hotel Cafe.

It might be a bit dark (and blurry) but you can kinda get a sense of how small this venue is.

Brooke opened the show with a new song that I'd never ever heard. Looks like I'll have to pick up the next album...whenever that comes out.

Sorry about the darkness again (I tried taking pics w/o the flash so as not to disturb Ms. Fraser). This was probably taken during the song "Waste Another Day."

After the show, I had the fortune of meeting Brooke. Such a great all around person. I hope our paths cross again in the future sometime.

Finally, here is the signed CD!!! Woo hoo!!!
I'm on such an incredible natural high right now, it's ridiculous. This feeling is very comparable to the feeling I got after the last two major concerts I went to (as mentioned above...the Corrs & Bic Runga). In any case, I thought I'd spread the joy. I hope you all appreciate the pics!!! Take care everyone and have a happy February (what's left of it)...
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