Tuesday, 19 July 2005

Midweek Madness

Two noteworthy events occured today. The pictures should somewhat illustrate what has gone on...

Event 1: "The World's Steepest Jaffa Race." Part of the week long Cadbury Chocolate Carnival, the Jaffa Race was a much safer idea compared to rolling children dressed in Cadbury Bunny suits down Baldwin St in a shopping cart. Basically, you take 15,000 Jaffas (little orange candy coated chocolates) and roll them down Baldwin Street (the world's steepest street - click here if you're confused).
I walked all the way to Baldwin Street from campus (about 1/2 hr), in the rain (which was just a little more than a light but constant drizzle) and I was shocked to see so many people there to see the event!
Here's a closer look at Baldwin St and the steepness of the hill that the Jaffas will be rolling down momentarily. You definitely know a street is steep when they replace the sidewalk with stairs!
jaffa finish
I neglected to take any still pics of the race because I was too busy filming it. If I could figure out how to upload video, I would put that up. Until I do, here's a pic of the finish line with a bunch of Jaffas (those red balls up against the barrier - what the kid in the red/orange sweater is grabbing at).
If you were curious what a Jaffa looks like up close, here you go. Each ball was individually numbered and spectators could purchase raffle tickets with corresponding numbers. The person with the number of the first Jaffa down the hill won a trip to Fiji. Since I didn't title this post I Won a trip to Fiji!!!! OMG!!!, you can probably tell I wasn't the lucky winner...
Lunch was a good old Kiwi sausage. That is...not the Kiwi birds but Kiwi "style." Just wanted to clarify so I wouldn't be fined thousands of dollars for eating an endangered bird.
And last but not least... Event 2: Lily came good on her promise to make Vege Lasagna for the flat tonight! Spinach, mushroom, tofu, pasta sauce and copious amounts of cheese! Choice! Good on you Lily for being the best flat mate ever!!!

And there you have it folks. We do get to do things during school nights...every now and then...and, of course, only after we've finished our homework. *wink* I better get off the computer before I get in trouble. See you folks later, take care and Au Revoir!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this Lily girl really does seem to be the best flatmate in the world. I wish I could live with her!!