Monday 1 May 2006

Exam Period Update: Hungry...

Good evening folks. It's quite late here in LA and it's rather quiet but I thought I'd put up a quick post before I hop into bed. Exams are approaching and there are several things that I need to get done this week and next week, before graduation rolls around. Here's a bit of a breakdown (in chronological order):

-Wed: BME 405 Final Project Report
-Thurs: BME 402 Project 2 and BME 416 Final Exam (So much I need to know because it is cumulative)
-Mon: BME 414 Final Exam (Open book) & BME 405 Final Exam (Labview, i.e. easy...hopefully)
-Tues: BME 402 Final Exam (Also, a lots to know despite it not being cumulative)
-Wed: BISC 230 Final Exam (Pass/No Pass...not too worried here)

So, assuming I survive all that, graduation will roll up on Friday May 12. Until then, I guess I better start cramming all that knowledge into my brain and frantically finish up all those leftover projects. Oh, and just to relate things to the post title, I'd really, REALLY like to eat some feijoas.

P.S. One last thing, here's a picture of my friend Daniel's sister Julie wearing rugby headgear. I got the headgear for Daniel because: 1) Rugby is cool. 2) He plays Ultimate like a madman and probably needs something to cover his head. For one reason or another, Julie decided to try it on and Daniel got a picture. Let's get one thing straight, I would not like to find myself at the bottom of a ruck against Julie cuz I have a feeling my head would get stomped on...

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