Saturday, 29 April 2006

Senior Fountain Run

Howdy folks. These pics are already up on Brad's site but I thought I'd jack them and put them on my site...

Here's what I saw after setting foot on campus. A huge crowd at the Finger Fountain on the north end of campus. This gives you a great idea of how big an event this was. It really was insane!
Laura & I near the Finger Fountain. Brandon is there in the background (left) looking like he's staring at someone else.
Carie & I also at the Finger Fountain. She unsuccessfully tried to get me to jump into the fountain. If I were properly dressed, I probably would've...alas, jeans & sweater are not the way to go for an event like this.
Senor Tallon and myself (again at the Finger Fountain...lots of pics were taken here cuz there were so many people here).
Melony and a bunch of Paris Peeps: Lisa, Me, Kim, Brad, Katie, Sunshine & 'Cisco.
Carlos, some guy, Brad, Me & 'Cisco. Finally a pic not at the Finger Fountain! This was actually outside of Leavey Library.
Brad & Kim at an unnamed fountain near the Finger Fountain.
Maria, Christophe & Brad slip sliding in the (drained) Reflecting Pool outside of Leavey.
Me, Paul & Brad at the fountain in Alumni Park (outside Doheny Library).
Me, Brad & 'Cisco contemplating climbing the statue in the middle of the drained E-Quad fountain (Engineering!!!). We decided not to because it was pretty slippery.

Well kiddies, that was that. It was a surprisingly fun event to be a part of and I definitely felt like I was part of a class for the first time at SC since the Freshman year dinner/luau thing at McCarthy Quad. Here's to the beginning of the end! Take care everyone and, for all you SC students, best of luck on finals!

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