I'll preface this post with a short description of ANZAC Day. ANZAC Day commemorates the anniversary of Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) troops who fought in Gallipoli, Turkey during WWI. More generally nowadays, it serves to recognize the general contributions of troops from both these nations over the years. Today, the 25th of April, is ANZAC Day.
So I got an email from the KEA network of North America (Kiwi expats) with info for an ANZAC Day service here in SF. When I used to live in LA, I used to want to go to KEA events all the time but lacked the vehicle access to be able to do so. Now, free of that restriction, I decided to make a day of it and do my first ANZAC Day ceremony properly. Follow along with the pics.

About US$10 worth of arts & crafts supplies doesn't look all that impressive there (in fact, it looks like a downright mess).

But after a bit of cutting, manipulating and gluing...

Voila! Some makeshift poppies to wear at the ceremony (and send to family).

Fast-forward a bit and imagine a log cabin full of folks from down under (admittedly, the majority were Ockers...er...Aussies). Lots of readings, some bugle, a bit of sing-song (national anthems) and some dignitaries laying wreaths. All in all, quite an enjoyable, though brisk (in a good, well-paced way), ceremony.

Photography 101: Don't take pictures against bright backgrounds. Oops. Me, my suit, my poppy and a bright background.

One wreath each for the countries represented today: USA, UK, Turkey, Oz & NZ.

With absolutely beautiful weather gracing the outdoors, why not BBQ? The highlights of the meal above = bbq lamb, lamb sausage, beets and ANZAC biscuits. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about eating all of this often during the ceremony...

Like I said, gorgeous weather. I enjoy the occasional fancy shindig to dust off the suit, but I would've been much better served in a t-shirt & shorts.... We can all be thankful for little miracles and somehow I managed to keep the beets (and other colorful foods) off my white shirt.

Great weather, BBQ and a bunch of expats? That's a recipe for backyard cricket. There I am, center frame, wicket keeping for the San Francisco XI. Actually, I was playing with a bunch of Aussie kids. I know cricket is a gentleman's sport but running around with that shirt, those pants and the dress shoes didn't help my game at all...
Brilliant day, brilliant weather. Couldn't have asked for anything better (heck, it even started with rock climbing in the Presidio since the ANZAC day festivities took place only 5 minutes away from my gym's city location). Can't wait for summer to come. I need to brush up on my cricket skills and coerce a bunch of my friends to play.
While technically speaking Poppy Day proper was observed 'yesterday' in NZ, today is the Friday before ANZAC Day here in the States. Hence my title. Also, the titular day precedes ANZAC Day as this post precedes an ANZAC Day post to come. All of my blog faithful (maybe about 4 according to the Google Followers tab) have been duly alerted. I apologize for not being too active recently but work duties and yet another illness have conspired to leave me with very little time for other pursuits.

Anyways, so as not to be a complete waste of your time, I do have a pic. Food...go figure. This yoghurt place in San Mateo came highly recommended from my co-worker and I must say they do have very good frozen yoghurt. The establishment is known as Clear Optometry, which most certainly does not sound like a dessert place. It sounds like an optometrist. It actually is one of those too. On the right side of the store, as you can see in the background of the photo, shows all the glasses on display which may be purchased if desired. On the left of the store, you can purchase excellent yoghurt, gelato and various other sweets. Shown in the photo is the plain yoghurt (sweeter than a typical tart/plain) and some green tea mochi. I'll give this place a pass mark in my books despite the chilly night outside (and some confusion in locating the place due to its unusual name and concept). On the plus side, they also have a nice, warm (and real) fireplace to sit next to while you scarf down tasty, affordable yoghurt (cheaper than fraiche, pinkberry, red mango, et. al.). Yum. Thanks for the tip Carey.
I had to reprint this from one of my favourite online comics: xkcd.

If only real life were more like comics...we'd all be in a lot of trouble. Happy Monday folks.
An action packed Easter Weekend just blitzed through the Bay Area. Here are a few quick pics to capture all the goings-on.

Met up with a few of the old FHT gang and an overseas friend to catch dinner at the Old Clam House in San Francisco. This place has been up since 1861. Amazing.

All bibbed up, Uzor & I are ready for the cioppino, which this place is supposedly known for. Glad you could drop in for a visit, Uzor, all the way from Holland even if we only had a chance to catch up over some SF cuisine. Go Man Utd!

Here's what we were eagerly awaiting. In all that madness, you'll find crab, clam, mussels, snapper, scallops, shrimp & calamari. Plus, a bit of garlic bread to help sop up the sauce. Proud to say I managed to down all of that! Quite tasty I must say.

I also got to see my family over the weekend. Aunty flew a trip over to SF all the way from HK (for work) and Mum came up from home (for fun). Here we have just finished enjoying Easter Brunch at the Parc 55 hotel where we spent the night (thanks Cathay Pacific).

Afterwards, we headed over to the SF Apple Store to check out the recently released iPad in all its splendour. Mum & Aunty also commandeered two computers in the kiddie section to play "I Spy: Treasure Hunt" for 20 odd minutes. Young at heart.

We then came up with the brilliant plan to drive on over to Muir Woods in the middle of a downpour. Here, the driver does his best to stay focused on the road in the midst of the treacherous conditions.

As we drove on past the Sausalito exit on HWY 101, the rain began coming down particularly hard. What you see in the picture above pretty much sums up what I could see behind the wheel.

We made it! Yes, the rain still hasn't stopped.

Bridge Toll: $6. Muir Woods Entry Fee x 3: $15. Plastic Poncho x 3: $9. Family time in torrential rain amongst the gigantic redwoods: Priceless.

A slice of a giant redwood. It was definitely an old tree. Here, Mum and Aunty give you a bit of a size comparison. I think this is the same tree bit seen in the Muir Woods scene of Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo.

Aunty, Mum & my umbrella in front of some tall trees.

While Muir Woods does look awfully lovely in the rain, I'd like to come back sometime to see how it looks in nicer weather.

On the bright side, we got to see quite a bit of fiercely flowing water.

After traipsing through the wood for far longer than originally intended, Mum, Aunty & I have happily enjoyed our extremely damp trip to Muir Woods.

Still raining. Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on the way back to SF. Soaking wet and hungry might I add.

After a lovely Thai dinner and warm shower, we all felt much, much better. Here, I bid adieu to Mum & Aunty as I had to head on home to get some sleep before starting yet another work week.
Many thanks go out to my out-of-town visitors for bringing heaps of entertainment to the SF Bay Area. Uzor, have a great trip driving around the Western US on your holiday. Hopefully I'll have a chance to visit you in the Netherlands in the not too distant future. Thanks also to Mum & Aunty for coming around for some more family time despite the horrendous weather. We didn't get to eat pies this time, but I'll take you out to the NZ pie shop next time 'round. As always with my relations, we had a fun time with a healthy dose of the odd family humour.

So April Fool's Day was this past week. As retaliation for the prank/s pulled on me in the not too distant past, I struck back. Couldn't do all of it myself so I have to extend a thank you to an unnamed work-mate. Cheers!