Woo hoo! After a long drive (not long in distance but long in duration since we got stuck behind the slowest M3 driver on the face of the planet), I'm sure you can tell how excited we were to begin exploring.

Diana, Nick & the redwood forest.


We saw some interesting fauna on our walk.

Unfurling fern frond (aka koru).

Diana & I on the pathway amongst the trees. Such a lovely day in the Bay Area.

Obligatory Asian photo.

My, what a big camera you have there Nick. The photos in this entry have been brought to you courtesy of both the massive Canon dSLR shown above, and my nifty Panasonic point-and-shoot.
We stopped by at the appropriate time to hear the "tree talk", expecting something slightly more elaborate than what it turned out to be: a park ranger answering questions. So, we just took more pictures instead.
Nick, Diana, myself and the first of many self-portraits. I'm becoming quite fond of my wide angle lens...

They had a special event at the entrance to the park talking about birds. We got to see this cool owl for a little while. The person explained that owls can't move their eyes, hence their ability to rotate their heads almost completely around to give them a better field of view.
Next stop = Muir Beach lookout. The view above ≠ Muir Beach. Actually, we took this picture northward, looking towards Stinson Beach (though you can't see that in the picture either).

Doesn't look like you can really tell in the picture, but there was a strong, chilly wind a blowing. Also, we're both wearing Icebreaker shirts.

The path to the lookout from the parking lot (looking back towards the parking lot).
Diana, Nick & I at the Muir Beach lookout (this time, we pointed the camera southward and that's Muir Beach behind Nick's head).
Since canceling his Planet Granite membership, Nick hasn't found much opportunity to climb. He makes up for that by climbing things he comes across. Like this bunker.


We continued down Highway 1 and stopped off at Stinson Beach to enjoy the sandwiches we brought for lunch (and a grape mentos for dessert). I didn't test the water this time 'round as it looked plenty cold.

We headed into Sausalito afterwards to lounge about a bit.

By lounge about, I mean nap.
The three of us with a view of the Bay from Sausalito. Unfortunately, the background got a bit washed out so you can't make out San Francisco behind us.

Ah, I finally made it to Sausalito!

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers. I didn't notice this before, but you can see the nose of Nick's car just behind Diana.
We decided to eat in Sausalito, at Fish, before heading home.
Hamachi poke with homemade yam chips. YUM.

Us waiting patiently (and in Nick's case, quite enthusiastically) for 5:30pm (when the restaurant first takes orders for dinner)..

Until then, I'll focus my attention on the delicious hamachi poke.

Nick got in the queue and ordered up the main courses on our behalf.
And after a bit of a wait, they arrived: Clam chowder, shrimp tacos, crab roll with fries (probably my favourite) and mussel bouillabaisse. Pretty tasty I'd say. Still, I think my overall favourite dish of the evening had to be the hamachi poke.
We finished all the food before piling back into the car and starting the drive back south. One last stop on the way though: romantical Golden Gate Bridge lookout spot!

One more group pic of us and the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Still windy. Still cold. We didn't hang around at the lookout for too long...

But, just long enough for one more pic...
And there you have it. Quite a full up day in Marin County. Who knows where to next?!
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