Saturday, 30 July 2005

Recent Happenings

Howdy everyone. This week has been a relatively quiet one. You may or may not know that I keep a calendar not for future events, but for past events. It helps me see/remember things that I've been up to. Anyways, my point is that the calendar isn't as full recently as it has been in previous weeks. That's not to say that I sat in my flat all day long watching tv. But, as you'll see from the weekly pic blog, I'm not getting out to see NZ as much as I'd like. Ok, enough mini-venting. Here are the pics!

We have a very loving flat where flatmates work out their differences through discussion and expressing their deepest feelings. Actually, they just 'rassle a little like Lily & Stuart are doing above. I can't even remember what prompted the tussle. Oh, we love each other so! No flatmates were injured in the process of taking that pic.
This Saturday, being good friends, Stuart, Ryan & I hiked across town to watch Lily's final club rugby game. [I'm waiting to get pics from Stuart] It was a long walk and we were able to make it for the last half of a tough game (that Lily's team lost by the way). We left before the game started and each half is 40 min (so you get an idea how far the walk is).
On the way, Ryan borrowed his flatmate's skateboard for a bit of fun. This is the result. Rolling down the Princes St sidewalk, Ryan was fortunately unharmed, though he got his clothes dirty.
Here are some oldie pics that I'm stealing from Cat. Thank you very much!

More fun from the Cadbury Chocolate Carnival. Cat is posing with this bee with some serious bling. The sunglasses and peace sign just complete the ensemble. I can't even make a guess as to what candy this bee was created to advertise for but he sure is entertaining.

Here's that amazing face painting at the Chocolate Carnival. Kids were loving it despite the girl in the pic having a less than enthusiastic expression. Just remember that she had to hold still for a really long time while the artist drew the graphic. I think Punahou Carnival's face painting booth could learn a thing or two.

Alrighty folks. That was basically all that happened this week. Plans are in the works to leave Dunedin sometime during the month of August. We'll see if any of that comes to fruition. If not, at least there's some good old rugby to watch on the weekends. Go the All Blacks!!! Oh, and before I forget. I saw this vehicle in a parking lot the other day. IT ISN'T MY CAR:
If I do get a car, I'll post it here for sure. Until then, this isn't it.


This was dinner on Sunday night. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and stuffed mushrooms. Mmmmm...tasty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm... I just realized that in the last three pictures of me I'm wearing the same sweater. I think it's time to get something new.